Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Jack

The last week of January we drove to Wheaton, IL to visit Jack and his parents. Tom was a confident driver on the super highways following each command of his new GPS. If it hadn't been for slowing down at all the toll booths we would have arrived a few minutes earlier. On the return trip we purchased an I-pass so next time it will be smooth sailing. You know, when you are traveling to see a grandson and his folks, no delay is acceptable.

Jack is on the move, scooting around, and like his dad, is fascinated with books.
At eight months old, Jack is learning about his world by using his senses.

" You might not believe this, but, duck strings are satisfying too."
"Best of all is being held by people who love me, like mommy, daddy and granpda."

1 comment:

Lisa said...

What a cute little 8 month old face!