Monday, September 22, 2008

Grand Visit

Last week we enjoyed a wonderful busy and smiley, cuddly visit to Dan and Angie's.

Tucker and Cooper are cooing and smiling and looking so innocent as they play under their mobile and are rocked to sleep.

Hudson and Claire are active two year olds that love exploring and being on the move.

Dan and Angie manage all the activity with a positive attitude and find time with each little one to encourage and love.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This past weekend Tom and I took a trip to San Diego. My brother, Mike lived here for several years during his years in the Navy. It was his request that his ashes be given to the US Navy for burial at sea and this was our mission. We met with his sons and even visited his former home. Many of the sights, we last saw when we visted with Mike and his family in 1986.