Saturday, October 18, 2014

Oh, What a Day!

Ever have an emotional day of highs and lows competing for your heart? It's one of those days for me. Our yard is gorgeous even though there are sprinkles of rain and it's cold and damp. Very much like my spirit. So grateful for the abundance of blessings and beauty around me and a sorrow for the challenges of life. This is my favorite time of year yet it seems to pass so quickly. Today I cut back the straggly yellow leafed hostas for a clean line around the trees. Two leaf blowers, Ron Koetje and Mike Kakabeeke came to our rescue and they did a well choreographed dance as they cleared the layers of leaves off the grass. Sorry I don't have that picture. Reminded me of years gone by when three sons walked across the lawn with leaf blowers while yellow leaves flew through the air.  Today, our hearts are filled with thankfulness for their help.

I also moved most of the outdoor furniture to my fairly new garden shed. For years we climbed over Tom's equipment and for a few years Tom put the furniture and me in the bucket of his Case tractor and lifted it up 12 feet in the air to slide it onto a floor he built.  Yikes! what were we thinking?   Today I took each piece, one by one, in the back of my cart and filled up the garden shed, so much easier.  I still have three Adirondack chairs to move but we expect some sunny days and I plan to sit outdoors and enjoy a cup of coffee or a glass of wine contemplating our blessings.

Enjoy are Michigan beauty, this is peak week for color but with the rain and wind the leaves are swiftly falling.

 Speaking of beauty, this is Beauty Berry a very surprising addition to the autumn garden, for me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Beach Week - Part 3

One thing about digital cameras, I take a lot of pictures, then omit (very few) once I load them on my computer. Years ago, I would take 12-16 photos (a roll) and that would suffice to remember our time together. For those of you who love seeing all these family pictures, this is a treat. For those who are saying, "enough already", I understand. Near the end of our week, Kim's nephew came to take some family pictures. The following are pictures I took as the family gathered at Holland State Park.
I didn't get all the families together and that is why Nathan came. What a beautiful state park, I can't believe I have lived in this part of the state for almost 50 years and never came here before! Well all good things must come to an end. We said our good-byes and are filled with memories that will last a life time. This blog will be a blessing for re-living these times when memory fades. This gift says it well...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Beach Week - Part 2

After a new computer delay I bring another Beach Week post. This was the highlight of our summer. The days, all warm, surprised us with several days of overcast skies and thick fog. I loved that we didn't have to worry about an undertow and all the children spent hours learning how to kayak and paddle board.
There is nothing more joy filled than relaxing in the sunshine, feeling the warm breezes and hearing the voices of children at play.
One, not so sunny, day we went to the Dutch Village. This is a fun little village that replicates a town in the Netherlands with Dutch food, wooden shoes Delft dishes, native dance, a farm and rides. A good time for all our little Dutchmen.
Even on this day, the sun comes out and the beach beckons.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Beach Week - Part 1

Our first family gathering took place last month at a beautiful beach home on the shores of Lake Michigan. It was the best vacation for our family. The home we rented gave us beautiful views and plenty of space for our family of 15.
There was a place for a campfire for roasting marshmallows, a tent and lots of space for parties and cuddling.
The children spent hours in the driveway and garage playing and the glow sticks were a big hit that gave us lots of laughs as we watched them dance to music into the night.
At the end of the day, the deck was decorated with the reminders of beach time.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Spring Highlights

Anticipation of spring seemed sweeter this year having endured a long bitterly cold winter. Most of my plantings are perennials so they bloom for a short time and their beauty is fleeting. The Bible speaks to time in the Psalms, "today is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it." This passage must have been written for gardeners. It seems the flowers bloom for such a short time before they are only a beautiful memory. Daffodils, lily of the valley, iris, magnolia, azalea and the flowering fruit trees have dropped their blossoms already and now the lavender, spirea, hosta and hydrangea are blooming. Sometimes I hate to leave home and miss their flowering beauty.
Spring is also a time that I consider how children grow. Last year's summer clothes no longer fit, they move ahead a grade in school, climb higher on the jungle gym with greater confidence and skill, memorize songs and learn to read. As a young mother, I was always looking forward to the next event, the next vacation, when I look back on my memories,they are a blur. God's words speak to me again, "today is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it." So, today I'm going to remember this year's spring highlights; birthdays, Easter weekend and Mother's Day
Sometimes, girls must just dress up and play with dolls and enjoy tea. We loved having a girly afternoon with old friends and Conley and Ruthie became new friends. This was another expression of growth as Conley was so helpful in decorating our cupcake shoes, writing menus and helping prepare and serve the meal.
Thank you Spring 2014, you blessed us. Now, summer..... looking forward to sand and surf, sunshine and sunsets but most of all family time!!