Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Distance and time separate us but the moments we spend together are precious. Once a year, my niece and her daughters come to Michigan to visit. Whenever possible, we try to get together and this year they traveled here! Mike, Joy and Conley joined us for dinner before Mike had to travel north for the week. It has been almost eight years since Mike had seen his cousin, Maryfrances.
Joy had never met Elise and Jillian but for Conley it had been a little more than a year ago she played with these cousins. They are so tender and kind with her. She has a manicure of many colors, they drew an apartment on the driveway and even let her add her touch to their painting for my garden shed gallery!
Elise and Jillian last visited our home in 2000 but the one thing Elise remembered and wanted to share with her sister was the drive across the fields to see the reindeer. Always sure to please. Our girls day started with sleeping-in then breakfast at Kathy's favorite cinnamon roll, I mean breakfast place, Rykse's. With three antique fans in the party, we headed for Schoolcraft's antique stores. The anticipation quickly dimmed when only one of about six stores was opened. Not to be discouraged, we headed for a place that suits all tastes, TJ Maxx, oh yes. A drive into Kalamazoo and a couple more antique stores then home for a cold drink and dinner. Elise and Jillian are the most talented young women! They were so generous to paint a picture for me on a moment's notice. This is a scene they remember from their Northwest home. Conley added the flowers buds and I smile that they included her art on their picture.
Thanks so much for coming. I love that generations of women and girls from 6 to 60 something can spend time together loving conversation, laughs, good food and pretty things. Enjoy the rest of your visit in Michigan. I think we are way over due for a visit to your beautiful spot!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Garden Shed

Since I retired, I have been wanting to have all my garden tools and supplies in one place. Tom has allowed some space in his barns and of course our garage also had a space but it was always a hunt to locate my stuff. We talked about a garden house for a few years, even measured out a space in the back yard, then last year had a builder give us an estimate on cost. Well we could swing it, but did we really want to? The cost alone for a concrete floor was $2500.! Our property taxes continue to grow even as our property value goes down, I could just see the township assessor's tongue hanging out in anticipation of more tax money. This spring, Tom sold an old truck (remember "She"?) and it opened a space in one of his barns that he said I could use to put my garden stuff. If I am going to spend time in a space, it must have some charm and this space did not. After moving old pieces of wood, a trailer full of hay, tree cables, a table saw and vise, I could see some possibilities. But even seeing was difficult in this dark space with one florescent lamp.
We bought 2 windows for the front corner and it made a world of difference.
We talked about the dirt floor that had been layered with stone. My eyes couldn't rest with all the leaves and hay between the stones and the uneven walking surface. We discussed pavers and concrete but when our son Chris suggested a wood floor I knew that was our answer, after all this is a barn (why didn't I think of that?)
Although the floor only covers the area between my work benches, it is a major improvement. Added another workbench, leveled it off, added shelves above and below and now I have storage. Thanks Dale for all your help and skill. Still not enough charm or light.
Enter John our reliable retired electrician.
I saw canning jar lights when in a cute shop on Mackinaw Island and thought they would be perfect for the space. John took my canning jars and made them into lights. They add the charm I was looking for. He will add another light under the shelf and give me some switches by the workbench and add another light to the back corner.
Tom and I visited the Billy Graham Library a couple weeks ago and they had some walls made of corrugated steel. Tom said I have some that has been laying around in the back woods. We pulled that out and will add a wall at the end of the work bench to hide pails, and tools and those skies on the wall.
I had hoped to have all the grandchildren paint a picture for me when they were here in May but the timing did not work out. Conley did one piece of artwork, thanks Conley.
I did my own simple painting of the hand prints of the grandchildren and some words from the Bible I need to remember.
The art work is simple but colorful and makes me smile. The children's tools were in Tom's barn and I also grab a chair that was being pooped on by the birds. The wooden crate on the wall will house my gardening books. The place is taking on my vision.
The outside is very welcoming with gifts from the grands and their parents.
The old galvanized pan is from Tom's great aunt Seenie.
Thank you all for your contribution to my new respite. Many prayers will be said here for family and friends and praises to God for his blessings and care. Praying also for rain for at least 20 states who are suffering a terrible drought that is affecting crops and putting so many at risk of fire losses. "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 I'm not saying it is our sin that is causing the drought but I am saying that prayer is powerful and this verse is God's promise to his people.