Friday, June 20, 2014

Spring Highlights

Anticipation of spring seemed sweeter this year having endured a long bitterly cold winter. Most of my plantings are perennials so they bloom for a short time and their beauty is fleeting. The Bible speaks to time in the Psalms, "today is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it." This passage must have been written for gardeners. It seems the flowers bloom for such a short time before they are only a beautiful memory. Daffodils, lily of the valley, iris, magnolia, azalea and the flowering fruit trees have dropped their blossoms already and now the lavender, spirea, hosta and hydrangea are blooming. Sometimes I hate to leave home and miss their flowering beauty.
Spring is also a time that I consider how children grow. Last year's summer clothes no longer fit, they move ahead a grade in school, climb higher on the jungle gym with greater confidence and skill, memorize songs and learn to read. As a young mother, I was always looking forward to the next event, the next vacation, when I look back on my memories,they are a blur. God's words speak to me again, "today is the day the Lord has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it." So, today I'm going to remember this year's spring highlights; birthdays, Easter weekend and Mother's Day
Sometimes, girls must just dress up and play with dolls and enjoy tea. We loved having a girly afternoon with old friends and Conley and Ruthie became new friends. This was another expression of growth as Conley was so helpful in decorating our cupcake shoes, writing menus and helping prepare and serve the meal.
Thank you Spring 2014, you blessed us. Now, summer..... looking forward to sand and surf, sunshine and sunsets but most of all family time!!