Monday, January 6, 2014


One advantage to being pretty much snowed in is taking time to write on the blog. Today is "bitter cold" a term that captures the UN-believeable low temperature. My last look on the thermometer said -8.3 F. My subject for today's blog is on warm memories of our most recent Christmas celebration.
I enjoy making the outdoor decorations from the trees on our property and trimming the tree with ornaments of the last 45 years. Leading up to Christmas we enjoyed going to the theater with friends and listening to a wonderful musical presentation of the Gospel. Christmas Eve service and Christmas Day services enhanced our celebration of Christ's birth.
It doesn't matter when, only that we have a day to open gifts and enjoy a wonderful meal with our sons and their families. Dan and Angie couldn't be here but they sent a video and we were able to visit while we watched their video. Each child and the parents told us how to play the game, Roll the Orange. A fun game for all ages! It really is the children that make Christmas fun. Conley, Natalie and Jack remind us to see Christmas through the eyes of a child.
It's not often we have packing snow, so we got started on Jack's "snow village." He had big plans for the village but he ran out of day light. Jack's daddy helped with the snow fort then they made a snow car, snow bunny, and about four snow men. Kids and snow, a great combination!
We were thrilled to spend some time with a cousin we haven't seen in years. Thanks for coming April, so good to see you again!
Now, to look forward to 2014 and we sure are getting a beautiful crystal white beginning! Happy New Year to all!

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