Land Ahoy! Hey Matey? Arggg! It was quite a celebration with swords, pixie dust, gold coins, treasure chests, sea water, pirate's brew and a lot of loot!
It did take a fair amount of preparation mostly while the pirates were sleepin. Imagine my surprise when I came upon this scene.
It takes all hands on deck to decorate these Jake and Izzy pirate cakes.
The chow is ready with cannon balls, shells on the beach, coconut chicken and Sculley's parrot food and the pirates don their vests and eye patches to greet their rowdy friends.
These two, Jake (Hudson) and Izzy(Claire) are in charge since they are VIP (very important pirates) having turned 5 years on this very day!
Speaking of tough guys wearing eye patches....
Sometimes a gal just has to climb the rigging to get a look at what's "happinen"
And their was a lot going on... a big old pirate ship came into the harbor and all those rowdy pirates beat it until it broke apart!
They were glad they did because it was filled with gold coins! They don't call this guy Tuck for nothin, he was tucked away countin his treasure.
Let me tell yah, all that hard work can make a sailor mighty hungry for some chow!
Cubi's (Coop) not waitin for nobody it's every man for himself! Got to eat hardy and save some room for those sweet pirate cakes.
It's not over yet, the loot just keeps commin.
Pirates can be pretty rough and rowdy but they sure know how to have good times with good friends!
Arrrgh me hearty, it was a super fun party and we are so glad that you were able to share it with us!
This could be a children's book with your descriptive words along with the pictures.
Each time I read it I smile at your choice of words and how original to think about the VIP!
Fran, Thanks for making their 5th. birthday album for all of us. What wonderful fun all of you enjoyed. Your description made me feel like I was there.
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