Conley is very social and showed the other girls her fingernail polish and liked teasing Issac. Then it was time to show what she had learned. In these pictures she is being a frog and kicking really hard doing the back flutter kick.
After swim class, we went to a "Cruise In" at our church. Hot dogs, root beer floats and Conley was excited to see her friend Molly. The girls spent the evening talking about princesses, kindergarten, and looking at old cars with Molly's mother.
After a bath and reading a few books she fell fast asleep for the next 11 hours! It's probably because as she says, "I now sleep with my eyes closed all night."
After her pancake breakfast she sorted marbles and colored in her princess book.
We then packed for Lake Michigan. What a beautiful day after so much hot weather. We went to a relative's beach and Conley made some new friends.
This is her with Briar. They along with Briar's brother, Henry, played for hours collecting stones and sea shells and wading in the water.
After Briar and Henry left, she made a sand castle with a swimming pool and stone sidewalk.
Then it was dress up time for dinner and ice cream! Yea!!
When we got back home, we tried to make a memory jar with beach sand, shells and stones. It was a minor success. Fun days with out little girl and tomorrow she is looking forward to spending time with her Grandma Dolly and Grandpa Con. We're going to miss you, Conley. Thanks for all the fun!
I'm so glad to see a picture of Conley at her swim class! Thanks again for taking such great care of her. It's obvious that fun was had by all!
Really sweet!!
I know that joy of being with your grandchildren as their world begins to expand so quickly from us embracing them to them embracing the world! What a privilege to be part of the journey!
Almost 5 years old! I am glad I, too, have watched Conley grow through your blogs!
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