The parade began with Marines carrying the flag followed by a few cars and floats carrying our military veterans or those mothers who lost sons or daughters in the wars. The high school bands played patriotic songs and several military vehicles were driven along with the local fire department, ambulance services and police department vehicles. Conley liked the mounted sheriff department officers on well groomed horses. It was a parade of celebration for the sacrifices of our military that gives us peace in our homeland.
When along comes a group of women dressed in black and carrying anti-war signs. They are mourners for those who have lost their lives in war, both the soldiers and civilians. It was disturbing to me, that a parade meant to honor and memorialize our soldiers for their sacrifice and service ended with this dark cloud. It didn't seem appropriate for this group to be marching in this parade. I respect their right to protest, they have a forum and I have seen them on busy intersections silently protesting.
Yet, it is because of what our country stands for and the freedoms we enjoy and the wars that were fought to protect the freedom of expression and speech that they could walk down the street and have their protest seen. I guess it is similar to those who show up at a soldier's funeral protesting his life and service. In my opinion, showing bad manners and insensitivity to those who have lost their loved ones for the sake of their country. Maybe its because of the great divide in our country today or because we have become intolerant and insensitive to each others beliefs that I had a feeling of discouragement and disappointment at how the parade ended.
I love the United States of America, my homeland. My parents immigrated here in the 20s, I had two brothers who served in the US Navy, one during the Korean War and the other served for nearly 30 years during the Vietnam War and the 1st Iraq War. Some would say and do say that the USA has lost its status in the world, we are hated. I have two sisters-in-law that have immigrated to the USA and when one was divorced and the other one lost her husband to cancer, neither left to go back to the home of their birth. We are still the hope of many. Two weeks ago I attended a naturalization ceremony and 81 people from 36 countries became American citizens! This was in a medium size town in the mid-west, only a small representation of the thousands who seek legal citizenship every year.
Let the unpatriotic denigrate the USA, they have the freedom to do it. I thank God for the USA, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
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