Tom and Conley have been having coffee at the local McDonald's with 7-15 elderly gentlemen since Conley was 7 months old. Conley's mom has yoga class so she drops Conley off with Tom for a couple hours. Conley knows all the "boys" by their first names and they all look out for her. Some days she comes home with coins in her purse and some days she even has a dollar. A few weeks ago we received a wedding invitation, from one of the men, on the inside envelope was written, "Tom and spouse and special granddaughter". We were eager to show Conley the envelope with the words written on them and thought she would be delighted. I guess there was something lost in translation when she told us with tears, "I don't want to be a special granddaughter, I want to be a princess."
As the days went by, she became more excited about attending the wedding and her Aunt Di bought her a beautiful dress to wear. When the day came, she couldn't wait to put on her princess dress.
Since Conley was feeling pretty, it was a good time for mommy and daddy to get a photo op.
Conley promised the groom a dance but she wasn't so interested on the wedding day. She did let the bride hold her for this photo.
Conley only had grandma on her dance card until she met Katy, the granddaughter of the groom.
Just love that laughing face! When I tell people that my daughter was invited to a wedding and I wasn't, they give me the strangest look. I just tell them that she's just THAT popular!
This is such a cute story, and I think it's so much fun for her that she got to attend such a fun event that her Mommy & Daddy did not! She looked beautiful in her princess dress!!
So sweet! That beam in Tom's eye says it all! What a fun special day and what a beautiful "Princess"!
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