Sunday, May 1, 2011


Don't you love birthdays? Parties and cake? Family and friends? Sweet!

I'm always amazed when a child celebrates a first birthday. The changes in that first year are astounding! A little bundle is born that sleeps and coos, nurses and poops within a year she is a walking, talking, waving smiling laughing, giggling one year old. I love it!
Natalie is into the party from the time the first balloon is hung.

She draws a crowd.
Friends arrive from Virginia and New Jersey.

And family, some from Minnesota.

Jack and Conley

Nana and Aunt Jamie

Uncle Steve and Aunt Di

Aunt Joy and Uncle Mike

Grandma and Grandpa
Of course there are other camera shy guests that gather around the birthday girl as she enjoys her birthday cake.

Natalie is a pretty ladylike cake eater, especially compared to her brother Jack at his first birthday in 2009.

And so the cake takes on the form for which it is known, a "smash cake."

A sweet celebration for a very sweet one year old. Happy Birthday Natalie!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

What a special little girl!! Thanks for sharing!