My thoughts are everywhere on this. Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day in MI, as I drove to work. I asked myself if I would rather be at home in the garden, walking the fields, drinking coffee on the porch or be in the basement windowless office at the workplace.
It's like God is giving me a beautiful gift and I'm saying I'm not sure I want that gift. I wouldn't have made the decision to leave the work I do if it hadn't been made for me. I think God has other plans for my life and is not waiting for me to get on board, like a parent that knows what is best for a child so God knows what is best for me.
A local business sells its fried chicken in buckets that say, "Just one life, will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last." I've been thinking on that sentence today. As I cleaned out my desk these past two weeks, I realized that much of what I had developed in the first years at this business is now obsolete, they have changed policies, now have computerized records, and new drugs and standards. Nothing lasts or remains the same. Since the work I have done there will also be out of date, did I leave behind joy, kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion, love, patience, friendship? My work will not last but how I treated others will last for my life time and theirs.
My co-workers took me for lunch and breaks and showered me with gifts, flowers and chocolates. I will remember their kindness and caring and kind words, always.
Now I will rest in the life of family and service and wait on the Lord to direct my path.
Hi Fran,
I remember you & I talking about your love of gardening when we went in search of that plant for Angie when we were in Colorado- maybe now is the time to find that job at a fun little nursery!!
Glad to hear you were surrounded by loving friends at work, and now you'll have time to be surrounded by family at home... at least until the next adventure!
Take care, and hope to see you all soon.
Love you, and your close walk with God.
Fran what a positive outlook you have. With your faith and kindness towards other, there will be many opportunites to share your talents. When one door closes God opens another one for us. It is up to us to walk through. Looking forward to hearing of your new adventures. Loved being with you last week-end.
Congrats! You have worked hard for many years and and have touched many peoples lives. I know this was unexpected, but sometimes the best things are unexpected!
We will be interested to see what God has in store for you next, but until then, you have lots of traveling to do and lots of friends and grand babies to keep you busy!!
Good to see you this past weekend and looking forward to the next time.
From the halls of Truesdale in 63, to the hospital office of creative education, you have been "the nurse". We will always have our "nurse" self. It is something we never retire from. It is a gift and a blessing. Now, you will also add more blessings to your profession...and continue to care for all God's creatures. Angel of mercy, angel of love. Bless you!
I'm so happy for your recent retirement. Putting your faith and trust in the Lord can be difficult at times; especially when it requires a big change. Enjoy!
You are right on with our thoughts about what you leave behind. Not enough people stop to think about that! it reminds me of a song the kids learned years ago in the church choir: In the morning of my life when the world is new the prayer I saw pray is that God will grant me to be brave and strong and true and fill the world with love my whole life through. In the evening of my life the question I shall ask only I can answer, was I brave and strong and true and did I fill the world with love my whole life through.
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