Friday, January 16, 2009

Winter's Wonder

We've been experiencing some pretty and cold weather recently. I've been staying close to the home fires. Today I ventured out, the beauty was drawing me. I had to capture the whiteness and experience the cold crisp air while we lay in wait of another snow storm.

The land was quiet except for a gust of wind that blew snow off the trees, not one cheep from a bird. I know they are near because Tom keeps a path to the feeder and they frequent it all day.

I marvel at what the trees endure, how they hold on to their little pine cones.

The snow on the pine trees look like frosting, it brings a serene beauty with the graceful lines it accents. Again, our land gives back to us by just being here. This truly is a gift that I often take for granted in the busyness of life.

And yet on these frosty days, its minus 5 degrees F as I write this and it will get colder before the night is done, I'm thankful for a cozy home.

Tomorrow it will be too cold for Conley to play outdoors so she will have to be satisfied to play with an indoor snowman.

1 comment:

Joy said...

The pictures look amazing! I wish Mike and I had trees! I just love how the snow has been glistening in the sun. We need to be thankful for sunny days, as they are few in January and February.