Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quietness in Amish Country

This week my friend Ethel and I enjoyed the peace of shopping and dining in northern Indiana. A day away from the hustle and bustle of life. Strolling through colorful quilt shops, a "girlie" cafe and finishing the day with a Southern Gospel concert was good for the soul. The horse and buggies reminded me of days long ago when I brought my dad here and he was reminded of his youth with horses. Sweet memories and a relaxing present. If you want to join me for another stroll back in time, come for a visit.


Lisa said...

What beautiful horses!! I would love to take a ride with them! Looks like a nice, relaxing time together.

Angie said...

Sounds like a wonderful place and so nice it reminds you of your dad. maybe one day we will be able to go shopping down there. Glad you had a good time with Ethel.

Dan said...
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Dan said...

Your pictures of Shipshewana remind me of the yearly pilgrimages to we use to take down there as kids...however you forgot to go to the flea markets the best part!

Em said...

How beautiful! I want to go!