Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quietness in Amish Country

This week my friend Ethel and I enjoyed the peace of shopping and dining in northern Indiana. A day away from the hustle and bustle of life. Strolling through colorful quilt shops, a "girlie" cafe and finishing the day with a Southern Gospel concert was good for the soul. The horse and buggies reminded me of days long ago when I brought my dad here and he was reminded of his youth with horses. Sweet memories and a relaxing present. If you want to join me for another stroll back in time, come for a visit.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Class of 63

This weekend was a walk down memory lane. How fun to see friends that I graduated with from high school and some that I went to school with since kindergarten. Our class flag , "For Those Who Try" and try we did. Here are a few pictures of those who tried and succeeded.

"...a lifetime's not too long to live as friends."

Even our spouses had fun!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Cousins Come

Kim's sister and her family flew in from Georgia this week. She is married to Tom's first cousin's son. That is what we call, here in west MI, Dutch Bingo.

Matthew loved playing on the toy Kubota and riding in Tom's favorite tractor.

We were delighted to meet Ginny who joined the family in January all the way from Poland. For a petite little girl, she is on the move!

Chris, Kim and Jack spend time with family.
Donn, Kris, Matthew and Ginny came home to lay to rest a dearly loved grandpa. These are precious times for families.

Monday, August 4, 2008

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." Job1:21

This is a time of joy and sadness for our family. We have gained three new lives and lost a dear brother and uncle. Mike, my "little brother" died July 10, 2008 after a long battle with cancer. He was honored by his countrymen with taps and a 21 gun salute for his years of service in the US Navy. He loved his wife Lorelei and his two sons Brian and Jason. He traveled the world and gained an interest in the history and politics of the countries he visited. He was an avid sports fan, especially the Detroit Tigers and Lions. His devotion to the Lions was apparent to his friends where he lived in Green Bay, WI.

Our sadness is mixed with joy as we reconnect with Mike's sons, Brian and Jason. We feel an instant bond with them after a separation of many years. This gives meaning to God's words at the beginning of this post.

Mike's wife Lorelei also enjoyed their company as they shared memories and stories of Mike.

I wrote Mike a poem, titled "Our Childhood" a couple years ago. It is more precious now as I recall our years growing up. It spoke of our childlike ways, our many cats, school days, snow days and summers sailing with dad on the Great Lakes freighters. The last three verses follow:

I've always felt a bond
With my little brother, Mike,
Since the years he left small town Alpena
He's lived a big world life.

They say the years of childhood
Form the person you will be.
We were loved by our parents
And God loves us best, I believe.

I thank Him for your life
Though we've lived far apart.
You are my little brother
And I love you with all my heart.

Yes, Mike we loved you and will miss you. May you rest in the shelter of the Most High.