I love this barber shop, so cute, so friendly and so Western. Not what I remember from my childhood in Alpena.
The barber shop of yesteryear was pretty much a man's place. I remember waiting for my father and brother to have their hair cut. Not much fun for a child. All hair business.
These little guys have lady barbers and children's programing on television. Hudson really doesn't like having his hair cut so he tolerates it and then saddles up while he waits for his brothers.
Tucker is a little less reluctant but I don't think its his favorite thing. Seems the cartoons are a pretty good distraction.
Now,Cooper seems to actually enjoy getting his hair cut and has some definite ideas, he wants a spiky look.
So what is a sister to do while waiting for these brothers to get their hair cut?
Claire knows, she gets comfortable and eats candy.
Yea candy is better than the smoky barber shops of the 50s!