Not having snow made it easy to cut evergreens and dried flowers for the outside decorations.
Conley helped me decorate the tree and she really was a big help. Thanks, Conley.
I slowly put decorations around the house and shopped early enough to get packages sent out on time.
We attended two of Conley's Christmas programs and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services at church. The music and prayers and meeting with others who love the Lord and celebrate in their spirit the birth of our Savior touched our hearts and souls. This was a peaceful and a thankful Christmas.
We had an hour of Christmas Skype in Colorado and loved seeing the grandchildren and Dan and Angie open gifts we sent and showing our excitement for the gifts they sent us. And for the first time, my sister and I visited and opened gifts with Skype on Christmas Eve.
Chris, Kim, Jack and Natalie came to town Christmas night so Mike, Joy and Conley came for brunch and gifts the next day.
It really is all about the little ones. They know we are celebrating Jesus birth and yet they have no conflict with Santa bringing gifts.
While I fixed Christmas dinner, Tom took Conley and Jack to see Santa's reindeer. Jack asked where Santa was and why the reindeer were lying down.
We even had a Christmas miracle. Joy brought her dog over Christmas night and left her outside. She is an old dog with arthritis and moves pretty slow and rarely leaves their yard. When they were ready to leave, the dog was no where in sight. They searched for an hour in the dark of night for this black dog, calling her name with no success. Conley was pretty upset that her dog was missing as they left for home, so they stopped and prayed that the Lord would watch over CC and keep her safe through the night. Mike decided he should turn the opposite way than the route home and a half mile down the road was their lost dog. Such a relief and a reminder that God hears our prayers.
Well like all visits the days go by swiftly and its time to leave. Jack can't keep his eyes off our dusting of snow.
The house is quiet now but we have memories of love and laughter. Jesus is the reason for the season and I am so thankful for His love and care over us and our family.