Hudson and daddy go to an hour class on hitting, throwing, catching and soccer ball kicking. Hudson did great in all areas, he's pretty coordinated for a 4 year old.
There is also a lot happening back at the "playground" as Claire's friend calls her backyard. Claire is busy making a cake to serve with sweet tea.
Tucker is a true rugged cowboy, he takes his shirt off to enjoy the sun and play in the snow.
Cooper is pretty good at riding his tricycle that seems to steer quickly towards the mud. But we any always count on that smile!
Halloween began with a church service. When we got home Em and G fixed a wonderful chicken dinner and set a festive table, even a monster cake.
The big event of the day is the Halloween Stroll on main street downtown.
It seems the whole town turns out, adults, children and dogs dress up to celebrate.
Angie isn't so happy with this picture but I like that it captures the moment, the children all enjoying their treats