A mission trip though usually hard work is also a spiritual retreat. It gives us time away from our fast paced life of pursuing more to reflect on the blessings we already have. It clears our mind to contemplate on priorities of what is important on our journey through life. The following poem was written while in Honduras, it expresses how we came with our inadequacies and God used them to His Glory.
Psalm 107:23-24
Honduras, land of many needs,
You chose us Lord, your lambs to feed.
Carlos, your servant here
Warned us of deep waters, but not to fear.
The waters promise to reveal
Your faithful presence that we will feel.
Uncertainties of what lies ahead
Through equipment problems we are lead.
Cases lasting 'til late at night
Frustration, exhaustion we will fight.
Yet morning brings rested souls
And praise songs to Jesus rose.
The faces of the "least of these"
Remind us of the joy to please.
For you have blessed us beyond all measure
With gifts and talents to share our treasure.
Quietly, humbly they come with shy smiles
Hoping, praying we can help in their trial.
Oh, Lord, it is you who brought us together
To perform your work, they'll remember forever.
Such an honor to us you have given
To be your hands and feet to the living.
May we continue to hear your call
And be a blessing for one and for all.
We hesitantly walked into the deep
The waters stirred but your promises keep.
Our faith is stronger than when we came
It is your way that your name is proclaimed!