I have been thinking of the harvest of my life. The years in growing up in a family, school, work, and raising my own family have yielded a wonderful crop of fruit.
My harvest is not the accumulation of material blessings that as the Bible says, "where moth corrupts and thieves break through to steal." It is the people who have listened, advised, helped, prayed, visited, celebrated and been there through all of life's joys and sorrows. It is also the time I have to spend with these cherished ones.
Here are some harvest pictures, mostly excluding the scrumptious harvest of children and grandchildren:
My sister-in-law Laurelei, sister Kathy and niece Nancy and I enjoying a girl's weekend and a day in Dorr County.
My sister Kathy has taken up playing her violin after almost 50 years.
A day at the beach with Joy and Conley. Such a sweet reward! What I didn't get a picture of is the seagull taking a sandwich from Joy's hand!
Nursing school friends, Kathy Smuk and Mary Rebert and I cooked this awesome meal for our husbands. We re-created the meal from our French cooking class.
Long time friends, Don and Andrea Halstead with Tom and I at Torch Lake in Northern Michigan. We enjoyed a day driving through vineyards and to Lelaneau Peninsula.