When I take the time to walk in the fields, time stands still. The quietness with only the sounds of birds and the wind blowing quiets my soul. I sing, pray and quote scripture. The moments I spend in walking the land opens my mind to the blessedness of being alone with God. He speaks to me through the land and plants and sky. The Bible says that we are placed in God's timing on the earth "... so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." Acts 17:27. When I deliberately seek God, I sense his presence.
These plants, growing without cultivation, give a simple beauty to the land.
When we take time to think on what we see in nature it teaches valuable life lessons. The above picture is of a vibrant green plant. It can grow leaves the size of dessert plates and a vine as thick as a cable. Beware! All we see as healthy is not good for us. This is poison ivy.