I love to watch the grandchildren. In their innocence and youthful curiosity and imagination they unknowingly teach us how to live an unencumbered life.
Claire is a child that loves to wear hats and most recently dresses. Who would think to match red ski boots, a black helmet with a Sunday dress and backpack? She has her own taste and is not afraid to express herself.

Hudson is not intimidated by the pink kitchen set. The meals he fixes on the pink stove taste just as good as on black or stainless steel.

Cooper and Tucker have been sharing space now for almost a year. They often play with the same toy and take it away from each other without a cry. I do think they wonder sometimes how it got into their brother's hand.

When was the last time you waited for the garbage man? Hudson and Claire sit on their tricycles and patiently wait to see that large truck with the big arm pick up their garbage pail and dump the trash.

Oh, to see the world as a child. To wake up excited about a new day and happy to see mom and dad. Sharing, exploring and pretending. Taking time to notice an ant crawling on the deck or furry seed pods on a tree, a bird sitting on the house and the beauty of the dandelions. Being able to cry when you are sad or hurt or saying what you mean. To marvel and appreciate a fire truck, dump truck or snow plow or folding paper that looks like a butterfly. It's freedom!