Many ask if I am still working, the answer is yes.
I work in the Education Department of a small rural hospital that is about a 16 mile drive from home. I love this drive through the countryside past a tree farm a cattle farm, a golf course, a small village then around a beautiful lake. I never tire of it because I only work two days a week and am able to work on days that accommodate my other responsibilities and appointments.
I sometimes miss the patient care in the operating room that I left 3 years ago but I enjoy the people I work with and my projects. This is a picture of my boss and my office mate. We really
have a good time, lots of laughs.

The above two pictures are my lunch buddy, regulatory affairs and another sweet grandma friend in the quality department.
When I'm not talking about my adorable grandchildren, I work on education programs for all hospital employees. This includes self-learning modules, computer based programs, presenting inservice education and applying for continuing education credits for nursing programs. Much of my time is spent writing and revising forms that are used to document employee performance. Healthcare is not static, changes due to new technology, equipment, treatments and medication keep this department in constant flux. There, now maybe even my sons have an idea about what their mother does at work these days.